Sunday 19 July 2015

My Sandbox MMO - Game Concept

Here is a sandbox MMO idea I have come up with about a year ago. The details have been stripped for IP protection and the headings were left to give you an idea of the many unique game features.

The main purpose and difference of this MMO idea is to create a living and growing world that a server-full of players can inhabit and interact with. The story is created by the players and the dynamic world, not theme-park MMO writers. I strongly believe that a sandbox MMO must be very dynamic and player-driven in order to truly be a sandbox. It should not have theme-park storytelling and quests that limits narrative content and sets a false purpose of playing the game; vertical character progression and levels that introduce the need to grind; game-economy restrictions that specify the minimum and maximum item prices; established and unchanging settlements that keep the world static; and a clear separation between PVE and PVP that creates unrealistic safe zones and undoes the purpose of a dynamic, player-driven MMO.

I am sharing this idea here to hopefully inspire some game/MMO developers. 